The online 数字营销证书 helps you understand and utilize emerging trends to succeed in today's evolving digital marketplace.

This is an exciting yet challenging time for marketing professionals as they struggle to embrace innovative strategies and new digital technologies to engage online audiences, 培育数字化机会, 并获得竞争优势.
Our online 数字营销证书 helps you understand emerging trends and leverage the power of mobile devices, 社交网络, 平面设计, 互动网络. 在七个完全在线的课程中, you can get the in-depth perspective you need to succeed in today's digital marketplace. 通过选择课程, you can gear your online marketing certificate courses toward your specific interests and career needs.
To request additional information about the online 数字营销证书 program, 请拨打800-829-4723或在线联系.
This online certificate program requires just 21 credit hours to complete. You will get in-depth coursework in the skills and strategies critical to success in digital marketing. 移动技术, social media engagement and search engine optimization (SEO) are emphasized, 除了:
- 网络分析
- 数字内容
- 电子邮件营销
- 在线自动化工具
- 病毒式营销
- 数据分析和度量
You will have the opportunity to work with new and emerging technologies, 研究最新的趋势, and learn from established experts and pundits in the area of digital marketing. The program explores theories from the greatest minds in marketing, 比如Seth Godin, 西蒙Sinek, 和Gary Vaynerchuk.
- 开发 an understanding of how digital marketing principles and strategies are used to achieve marketing, 管理, 商业目标.
- Identify ways in which marketing practices evolve within a digital framework and integrate digital components into a comprehensive marketing plan.
- Conduct research on contemporary issues in digital marketing and apply statistical reasoning toward forming research findings.
- Devise targeted marketing strategies in a digital framework and determine the measurements and metrics to be used for continual analysis.
- 开发, analyze and design basic websites geared toward the goals of effective marketing, 广告, 公共关系, 和电子商务.
- Analyze companies’ search engine performance strategies and identify optimal solutions to maximize return on investment.
- Formulate digital marketing communications to promote customer relationships, 提升品牌形象, 扩大市场范围.
*See curriculum sheet for a breakdown of credits and credit ranges.
This online 数字营销证书 program is structured with no prerequisites, 所以你可以在任何时候报名参加证书课程.
- 数字营销
- 数字营销的数据分析、度量和测量
- 数字广告
- 数字营销,大数据和网络分析
- 在线内容营销和消费者行为
- 目标营销和社会优化
- 搜索引擎优化
- 网页设计基础
- 移动营销
- 公益营销
- 病毒式营销和数字形象
- 数字时代的法律、伦理和社会责任
- 数字营销的全球战略
- Web 3.数字营销的新兴趋势
- 数字营销顶点
- 选择你的学习推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台. 浏览我们的 程序仪 找到你的程序.
- 填写并签署 在线申请.
- 支付50美元的申请费 (国际学生100美元).
- 寄送正式成绩单 直接寄到推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,装在密封的信封里. 学习 如何发送成绩单
- Fulfill any additional program-specific admissions requirements.
- 确保你能上网, and a fully functional laptop or desktop computer that can play audio and video and access Microsoft Office (Word, 演示文稿).
Note: Your admission file must be complete and accepted before your financial aid may be awarded, 在你的转学学分被评估之前, 在你注册课程之前.
剑桥大学 undergraduate admission also requires at least one of the following:
- Original high school transcript showing graduation or a recognized equivalent such as a General Educational 开发ment (GED) or HiSET certificate
- Or an affidavit confirming high school program completion in a state-approved homeschool setting.
- Or, 如果州法律没有要求的话, proof of high school education in a homeschool setting meeting state attendance exemptions
- Or 报名参加 合格的职业路径计划
- Or proof of passing scores on an approved ability-to-benefit test (such as the Accuplacer Test administered by 剑桥大学)
- Or 完成9个学分的剑桥大学课程, 适用于本科学位或证书, 成绩达到B或以上. (Non-matriculated students may not receive aid while earning credits.)
- Or 24 or more credits earned from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university. Note: Official college transcripts are evaluated for transfer credit. Courses not included in an earned associate degree must be earned at a grade of C or better to be eligible for transfer.
The online 数字营销证书 can help you begin or advance your career in marketing. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the mean annual salary for market research analysts and marketing specialists is $78,880*, 而广告业的年薪中位数, 促销活动, 营销经理是138美元,730.**
Mean annual salary for market research analysts and marketing specialists*
Median annual salary for 广告, 促销活动, and marketing managers**
*美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业就业及工资统计, 13-1161市场研究分析师和营销专家, (2023年10月19日参观).
**美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Advertising, Promotions, and 营销经理s, (2023年10月19日参观).
A Certificate in 数字营销 can prepare you for careers like:
- 营销专家
- 市场研究分析师
- 社交媒体专家
- 营销经理