Earn your 理学硕士 in 医疗管理 (MHM) online in as little as 14 months. 剑桥大学's flexible program combines policy implementation with business management to help you address challenges in the healthcare industry.

医疗保健是美国经济增长最快的部门.S. economy, employing over 18 million people* and accounting for about a fifth of the nation's economy.
Today's healthcare system has undergone tremendous change with the implementation of new legislation and policies on the state and national levels. 这些变化会影响医疗保健组织, 病人的结果, 获得护理的机会, 个人医疗保健专业人员.
MHM课程将政策实施与商业管理相结合. 这个在线商业学位课程旨在为您提供相关知识, 技能, 以及评估政策对组织结构影响的能力, 市场营销, 金融, 和策略.
The online 医疗保健管理硕士 curriculum is designed to prepare you to address healthcare industry challenges related to health policy, 健康运营管理, 风险和法规遵从性, 和更多的.
- 了解美国企业面临的独特政策、法规和法律问题.S. healthcare industry participants and address these complexities in 规划 and decision-making
- Analyze financial statements and statistical data to understand the financial health of the organization, 增长或成本控制的机会, 并使用这些详细的高级数据来为决策提供信息, 规划, 管理风险
- 建立和应用分析和绩效改进工具, 包括资讯科技, that help healthcare executives and managers solve complex operations problems and make efficient and effective healthcare operations decisions
- Compose effective strategies in the management of contemporary healthcare operations issues such as process improvement, 病人流, 质量改进
- Design interprofessional teams to create a strategic 规划 process to address quality improvement initiatives in a healthcare setting
剑桥大学 accepts many industry-standard certifications for college credit. You could receive credit for your professional certifications, saving you both time and money.
下载完整课程Prospective graduate degree students for online programs offered through 剑桥大学 Global must satisfy the following requirements + 您的课程可能具有的任何特定于课程的要求.
- 填写并签署 在线申请.
- 支付申请费. Pay your $50 ($100 for international students) application fee by the term start date.
- 寄送正式成绩单. 邮件直接寄到推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,装在密封的信封里. 学习 如何发送成绩单. 要求的学位必须来自认可的学院或大学.
- Master's and most graduate certificate programs require an earned bachelor's degree.
- 邮政硕士证书和CAGS要求获得硕士学位.
- 国际成绩单必须由经批准的机构翻译和评估. 看到所有 国际学生要求
- 附上你的履历和工作经验. 发送你的简历,详细说明你的教育和工作经历, 包括它们与你的职业目标的关系. Four years of work experience is required for fully online 剑桥大学 Global graduate programs.
- 提交个人陈述. 写一篇250字的文章, 输入, 双倍行距的描述你职业经历的文章, 研究生学习的目标和目的. 你希望你的研究生学习对你未来的职业生涯有什么帮助?
- 完成一次面试. 全球网赌十大网站办会对你进行面试,通常是电话面试.
Students are conditionally accepted into the MHM program until the GMA 305 Statistics course is completed. Students may transfer in the equivalent of this course in accordance with the Transfer of Credit policy or enroll in this course before full acceptance into the MHM at CCG. Students may also test out of the required prerequisite course by successfully completing a CLEP examination if one is available in the subject area. Other conditions for acceptance may be stipulated for applicants in some instances. Students who are conditionally admitted into the program will be informed of the conditions to be met for full admission status and the deadlines for meeting each condition.
根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 医疗卫生服务经理的平均年薪为104美元,830, 从2022年到2032年,预计就业增长28%.*
Nearly all our students are working adults who recognize 剑桥大学 as a good fit for its convenience and flexibility. Sixty-three percent of our online students are employed at organizations with an Educational Partner relationship with 剑桥大学.
Projected employment growth for medical and health services managers between 2022-32*
*美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Medical and Health Services Managers, http://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/medical-and-health-services-managers.htm (2023年10月10日参观).
The online 医疗保健管理硕士 can help you advance to healthcare management positions in critical business disciplines. These leadership positions are often found in for-profit and nonprofit entities related to:
- 卫生保健供给
- 临床实践
- 制药
- 生物技术
- 医疗设备
- 医疗保健服务
- 保险
- 投资公司
剑桥大学's master's program also serves students who are interested in exploring entrepreneurial opportunities within healthcare and are pursuing their business degree online.

Dr. Lieneck has over ten years of practical experience in the field of healthcare administration with a strong focus in medical group practice management (physician practice administration) - and over a decade of preparing future healthcare leaders in higher ed. He began working in the healthcare field while in high school as a licensed emergency medical technician (EMT) and was later commissioned as a Medical Service Corps officer (MSC officer) in the United States Army. 作为中尉...