推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台的金融理学硕士-全球金融交易课程指导您实现全球金融和交易的专业目标. In this online business degree program, 您将获得金融学术知识和实践技能,了解金融交易的管理,同时应用全球金融专业人士所依赖的当前信息和技术.
金融理学硕士-全球金融交易课程由推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台的专家打造, in association with London Academy of Trading.

Online Master in Finance – Global Trading Program Highlights
该课程使您能够获得交易和管理各种金融工具的理论概念和实践方法, including Foreign Exchange (Forex) commodities and stock indices.
您将学习使用基本分析和技术指标,并将获得交易心理和风险管理的理解,以提高您的交易管理技能. Additionally, 你可以从提供的选修课中选择三门更适合你所在领域和职业兴趣的职业机会.
Upon completing the Master of Science in Finance – Global Trading degree track, you will have acquired an understanding of:
- Global currency management
- Financial markets
- Trading psychology and risk management
- International Finance
- Managerial finance
如果你已经拥有硕士学位,想要探索新的职业机会,增加你的专业知识, check out our Certificate of Achievement in Global Finance Trading.
Course List
Download the MSF Program Sheet推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台提供独特的金融研究生课程,培养学生的领导能力. 这个推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台超越了技术知识,为你在管理和领导岗位上更好的就业机会做好准备.
Online Master in Finance – Leadership Program Highlights
在线金融领导力硕士课程通过提供人力资源方面的战略领导力课程,专注于基本的领导力知识, marketing and international business.
Additionally, 你可以从提供的选修课中选择三门更适合你所在领域和职业兴趣的职业机会.
在线金融硕士的领导力专业有10门课程:2门基础课程, three core courses, four electives, and the master’s in finance Capstone.
Course List
Download the MSF Program SheetCareers for Online Master’s in Finance – Leadership Graduates
Job Outlook for Financial Managers
从2022年到2032年,金融经理的就业预计将增长16%, much faster than the average for all occupations. Several core functions of financial managers, including risk management and cash management, are expected to be in high demand over the next decade.
Services provided by financial managers, such as planning, directing, and coordinating investments, are likely to stay in demand as the economy grows. The United States remains an international financial center, 这意味着世界各国的经济增长可能会促进美国的就业增长.S. financial industry. In recent years, companies have been accumulating more cash on their balance sheets, particularly among those with operations in foreign countries. As globalization continues, this trend is likely to persist. This should lead to demand for financial managers, as companies will be in need of cash management expertise.1
Job Outlook for Management Analysts
Management analysts, often called management consultants, propose ways to improve an organization’s efficiency. 他们就如何通过降低成本和增加收入使组织更有利可图向管理者提出建议.
预计从2022年到2032年,管理分析师的就业将增长10%, much faster than the average for all occupations. 随着组织不断寻求提高效率和控制成本的方法,对这些工人服务的需求应该会增长.2
Job Outlook for Budget Analysts
Budget analysts help public and private institutions organize their finances. They prepare budget reports and monitor institutional spending. Budget analysts work in government agencies, universities, and private companies. Most work full-time. The median yearly salary for a budget analyst is $82,260.3
1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. 劳工部,职业前景手册,财务经理,在互联网上 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/financial-managers.htm (visited October 12, 2023).
2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. 劳工部,职业展望手册,管理分析师,在互联网上 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/management-analysts.htm (visited October 12, 2023).
3 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. 劳工部,职业展望手册,金融分析师,在互联网上 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/budget-analysts.htm (visited October 12, 2023).
这种专注为金融专业人士提供了获得基础知识和技能的机会,以指导公司按照道德和企业社会责任的最佳实践. 本课程旨在帮助在财务和公司合规方面寻求管理和领导职位的个人.
你可以从提供的选修课中选择三门,为你的领域和职业兴趣提供专业的职业机会. MSF推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台的伦理和企业社会责任专业有10门课程:两门基础课程, three core courses, four electives, and the MSF Capstone.
Course List
Download the MSF Concentration Program SheetCareers in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
该课程的毕业生可以在行业领先的公司和非营利组织中寻找各种管理职位的就业机会. A common career path is to become a financial examiner.
Job Outlook for Financial Examiners
财务审查员确保遵守管理金融机构和交易的法律. 他们审查资产负债表,评估贷款风险水平,并评估银行管理. Most financial examiners work for the finance and insurance industry, the federal government, or state governments.
预计,从2022年到2032年,金融审查员的就业人数将增加20%, much faster than the average for all occupations.1 随着金融机构寻求联邦监管合规方面的帮助,将需要金融审查员.
1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. 劳动部,职业前景手册,财务审查员,在互联网上 http://www.bls.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/financial-examiners.htm (visited October 12, 2023).