Prepare to make a meaningful difference in your organization and society by focusing your studies on diversity, 包容, 股本, 和归属(DEIB). You'll learn from the leader in DEIB through this unique graduate-level online 领导能力证书.

领导能力证书 in 多样性、公平、包容和归属感 推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台概述
剑桥大学 has been a social justice pioneer for more than 50 years and continues to champion this important cause by offering an online 领导能力证书 in 多样性, 包容, 股本, 和归属感.
研究表明,有意的多样性, 股本, 包容, 和归属(DEIB) practice and creating a culture of belonging requires full corporate engagement beyond the efforts of human resources, 唯一的DEI雇佣, 或者参加各种各样的活动和寒暄.
By taking three focused classes in just four months, you can earn the DEIB 领导能力证书. You then have the option to take nine additional courses to obtain your Master of Business Administration with a concentration in DEIB.
To request information about any of these options, call 800-829-4723 or connect online.
Upon completing a certain number of courses in a specified discipline geared toward all management levels, 学生将获得 领导能力证书 以表彰他们的成就.
These programs are designed to be completed relatively quickly and increase student marketability by demonstrating improved skills in these focused areas. 这些课程也可以转到相关的推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台学位课程, 缩短获得学位所需的时间.
A 领导能力证书 is not a formal academic credential and is not eligible for Title IV financial aid.
Our research-based DEIB 领导能力证书 was developed in conjunction with an advisory council of experts, 从业人员, and consultants in the corporate sector who are thought leaders in the DEIB and change management space. The certificate program recognizes that intentionally and effectively infusing DEIB into the corporate DNA greatly impacts employee morale, 创造一种归属感, 超越了表演性的盟友关系, 提高生产力, 增加销售, 提高客户忠诚度.
Our times demand leadership in DEIB — building and maintaining your bottom line requires it, 你的公司的寿命取决于它.
- 在业务环境中分析和应用DEIB原则
- 制定促进组织内部多样性和包容性的策略

"Our DEIB 领导能力证书 is practical and includes elements of professional coaching, 不是典型的理论课程过程. 当学生完成DEIB领导证书, 他们继续联系我寻求建议或作为我的导师, 我很乐意为推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台参与者做的事."
本基础课程探讨商业相关方面的系统性种族主义, 通用术语和定义的重要性, 颠覆与转型/拆解的概念, 组织设计和变更管理, 交集, 反歧视行动, 以及过去的积木方法. The course provides a study of issues of race and gender within the organizational challenges of integrating all management levels towards building an organization-wide DEIB team. 使用调查工具进行参与和归属, 多样性轮, 并在DEIB学习过去和现在的商业惯例, 多样性的概念, 历史都为我们提供了坚实的基础. Case studies and simulations will be used to learn how to build a DEIB team and develop an organizational culture that results in the infusion of belonging.
多样性, 股本, 包容, 和归属感 (“DEIB”) programs in businesses are no longer mere “add-ons” to existing human resources initiatives—they are essential to conducting business. Many employers are developing policies and practices to ensure that their workplaces are as diverse, 公平的, 尽可能的包容. 虽然没有法律要求实施DEIB计划, 创建DEIB策略和指标, businesses are required to be consistent with state and federal law (such as the Civil Rights Act), 以及其他联邦和州的规章制度. 通过案例研究, this course examines the legal and practical foundation to be considered in crafting DEIB policy while creating a diverse and inclusive work environment and firmly establishing DEIB as a strategic goal for business organizations.
There has been a quantum leap forward in the growing awareness of the business case for diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属感. DEIB领域已经改变了企业的努力, 公营部门, 和世界各地的第三部门组织增加工作场所的DEIB. 许多公司正在经历DEIB在其品牌上的盈利, 产品, and customer base while others are still uncertain as to how they can most effectively use DEIB to support their growth and value creation goals. This course tackles the business case and provides a perspective on how to take action on DEIB to impact growth and business performance. This latest research reaffirms the global relevance of the correlation between diversity (defined as a greater proportion of ethnically/culturally/gender diverse individuals) and the leadership of large companies and financial performance.
The DEIB 领导能力证书 is designed for leaders — from managers to C-suite executives — who will bring DEIB to their organization or who want to update and improve their management skills to today’s standards.
It is also a perfect option for leaders with an MBA or master's degree in management. 事实上,专攻DEIB可以增加你的收入,甚至比单独攻读MBA还要多.
中位数U.S. 工资 for DEIB jobs with a master’s degree or MBA is up to $131,580 - $139,919 DEI Managers.*
*工资.拥有硕士学位或工商管理硕士学位的DEI经理的薪水. 2月访问. 5, 2024.

玛赛拉Aldaz-Matos is a business executive with over 20 years of leadership experience in business strategy, 人才管理, 多样性和包容性.

斯蒂芬妮·布朗 is the founder and CEO of a boutique consulting firm specializing in Talent Management, 人才收购, 一些策略, hit策略的设计与实施.