
会计  理学学士

The online BS in 会计 is a hands-on degree with three concentrations that helps you build a strong financial knowledge foundation.

120 学分


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剑桥大学's 理学学士 in 会计 (BSA) is the right online accounting degree to help you advance in the field of business.

在这个动态程序中, 你将参与一个深入的, 全面探索会计专业. You will learn key theoretical constructs and apply those theories through hands-on practice.

The 理学学士 in 会计 also offers a seamless transition from the 会计专业副学士学位, as all credits obtained in the associate program will transfer into the BS in 会计.


The online 理学学士 in 会计 degree serves as a strong foundation for those interested in financial work, 什么是所有组织的基础. 重点是建立知识, 技能, 以及成功所必需的能力, 这个会计学位提供:

  • 批判性思维能力
  • 职能业务敏锐度
  • Deep dive into a broad range of accounting topics including auditing, 税收, 以及财务分析
  • Opportunity to deepen study/concentrate in either public or management accounting.

This 40-course program consists of nine foundational business courses, 10门会计核心课程, 9门商科课程, 3门会计专业课程, 通识教育课程17门.


信用* 120个学分
课程总学费 $60,240

*See curriculum sheet for a breakdown of credits and credit ranges.


Choose from three areas of concentration for an intensified focus on your area of interest.

  1. 选择你的学习推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台. 浏览我们的 程序仪 找到你的程序.
  2. 填写并签署 在线申请.
  3. 支付50美元的申请费 (国际学生100美元).
  4. 寄送正式成绩单 直接寄到推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,装在密封的信封里. 学习 如何发送成绩单
  5. Fulfill any additional program-specific admissions requirements.
  6. 确保你能上网, and a fully functional laptop or desktop computer that can play audio and video and access Microsoft Office (Word, 演示文稿).

Note: Your admission file must be complete and accepted before your financial aid may be awarded, 在你的转学学分被评估之前, 在你注册课程之前.

剑桥大学 undergraduate admission also requires at least one of the following:

  • Original high school transcript showing graduation or a recognized equivalent such as a General Educational Development (GED) or HiSET certificate
  • Or an affidavit confirming high school program completion in a state-approved homeschool setting.
  • Or, 如果州法律没有要求的话, proof of high school education in a homeschool setting meeting state attendance exemptions
  • Or 报名参加 合格的职业路径计划
  • Or proof of passing scores on an approved ability-to-benefit test (such as the Accuplacer Test administered by 剑桥大学)
  • Or 完成9个学分的剑桥大学课程, 适用于本科学位或证书, 成绩达到B或以上. (Non-matriculated students may not receive aid while earning credits.)
  • Or 24 or more credits earned from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university. Note: Official college transcripts are evaluated for transfer credit. Courses not included in an earned associate degree must be earned at a grade of C or better to be eligible for transfer.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the yearly median salary for an accountant is $78,000.* To prepare for a career in the accounting field, you need a bachelor’s degree that is hands-on. 剑桥大学's online BSA is designed with a particular emphasis on acquiring highly targeted 技能 required by today’s accounting professionals.





*美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Accountants and Auditors, /哦/商业和Finance/ accountants-and-auditors.htm (2023年10月11日参观).


剑桥大学 encourages students to earn both their undergraduate and graduate degrees through the Fast-Track program. Undergraduate students may apply to the Fast-Track program if they have 90 credits and a GPA of 3.0或更高. Accepted students may apply up to 12 graduate credits earned in the Fast-Track program towards the requirement for both degrees. Please discuss your academic plans with your advisor early in your degree.


Several occupations require a minimum of a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. 职业生涯 for those who obtain a 理学学士 in 会计 include entry-level positions in nearly all industries. Common entry-level positions held by those with a 理学学士 in 会计 include:

  • 簿记员
  • 审计员
  • 成本估计
  • 预算分析
  • 会计工作人员


马修·F. 福勒

马修·F. 福勒


推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台主席,MSA, BSA, ASA, MSHRM, MSF

Matthew是RAA, Inc .的首席财务官. 在充满活力的纽约. RAA公司. 是全球最大的展览和博物馆设计师吗, and he is proud to have played a pivotal role in leading the company and assembling a financial team that consistently adds substantial value to the bottom line. 他的职业生涯是多种多样的, encompassing roles as a Controller and CFO in fields such as professional services, 物流, 建筑/工程, SaaS, 和设计...

道格拉斯·G. Kildsig

道格拉斯·G. Kildsig



Douglas Kildsig is a seasoned management education specialist with a focus on online and distance learning management systems (LMS). His extensive experience encompasses various facets of management, including a distinguished education in management from Purdue University in W. 拉斐特,印第安纳州(管理学学士,管理学硕士). With a background spanning employment in large corporate settings, 创业, 小型创业公司, 他为自己的角色带来了丰富的实践知识.
